How to Use Wall Finishes to Create a Unique Ambiance

Today, we’d like to share some ideas for using LIQMET® liquid metals in interior design for professional interior designers, business owners, applicators and homeowners. The key to an effective interior…

Spring Renovation Inspirations

Spring, spring, spring is calling! And with that, Easter is coming! Chat all chicks and rabbits around. Don’t you just love the fresh breeze, sunshine and festivities that go with…

Valentine's colours and LIQMET

Can you smell the roses in the air? We love Valentine’s Day because couples around the world are celebrating this romantic time to strengthen their relationship by going on dates,…

Fiberglass and Liquid Metal Coatings

During the last few years, we were involved in some projects which required manufacturing fiberglass moulds and products. The biggest one was Palazzo Versace hotel in Gold Coast, which is…

Liquid Metal Colour Range

LIQMET liquid metal colour range is practically limitless. The LIQMET liquid metal colour range is huge.  We say it’s practically limitless because during 17 years of creating new and exciting…