Our bathrooms are one of the sacred places in our home and considered as a centre of well-being. We use it from energising morning showers to relaxing rituals after a long day. This is why creating a great environment in our bathrooms is important to make our personal time more calming, relaxing, and fun. In your quest to turn your bathroom into something grander, we’ve collated some bathroom design ideas to help you plan and decorate your ideal bathroom, shower room, or en suite. First things first: Set the moodWant to create a hotel-like ambiance in your home bathroom? Then take cue from this first stylish bathroom design idea. Use bronze liquid metal coatings for your sink to create a timeless look with additional sheen. Plus, add a warm-toned lighting which is believed to help us relax and wind down for the day, and get ready for rest.
You can also mix the design up by keeping your sink white. Then instead, coat the walls and floors with bronze or any other classic-coloured liquid metals. Don’t worry, liquid metals are durable and can be applied to any surface. Just look at the classic, stylish bathroom below.